More Than Just Growers
Trusted Since 1947
LI Natives has worked with many renowned institutions throughout Long Island and New York City to include: The Nature Conservancy, Friends of the Highline, Central Park Conservancy, Peconic Land Trust and Farmingdale State College to name a few.
Growing Through Referrals
Landscape Consultation
LI Natives offers expert field support for landscape professionals and Long Island Residents for a nominal fee. Our landscape consultants are all New York State Certified Nursery & Landscape Professionals (CNLP) who can provide on site assistance with plant ID & inventory, invasive species management best practices, planting recommendations regarding Town Re-vegetation and NYS DEC Wetland compliance.
Project Guidance
LI Natives works with many types of green industry professionals. If you need assistance with a landscape designer, installer, mason, arborist, or maintenance professional we can pair you with the most appropriate industry professional for your needs.
Custom Grow
LI Natives has extensive experience working with rare native species for large scale projects with strict timelines. We can custom grow various sizes with adequate notice to make sure that your plants are ready and looking good when you need them and budgeted appropriately.
We own and operate our own fleet of delivery vehicles to make sure your plants show up on time every time. Let us take the guess work out of making sure your plants are on site with your crews to eliminate wasted time and aggravation. We routinely ship throughout the entire NYC metropolitan area and up throughout New England.