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Native plants provide opportunities for Urban Greening, Stormwater Management, Pollinator Corridors, Nitrogen Reduction.


Market trends point towards consumers seeking to support environmentally focused products and services –native plants are now a must have in your garden center.

Environmental Groups

The right selection of local flora for optimal restoration of native habitats.

Landscape Professionals

Products and support to help incorporate native species into breathtaking designs.

Growing Through Referrals



The future is here and now. Public spaces across the region offer opportunities to create habitat. Our nursery works with governmental agencies and parks departments to recreate and protect these environmentally sensitive spaces. Native plants offer solutions for stormwater management and potential towards filtering nitrogen from our waterways and recapturing carbon from the atmosphere.



Are you looking for ways to connect to new garden center customers?  Native plants will attract customers that are looking for environmentally sound landscape solutions. Native plants can be promoted to several segments of outdoor enthusiasts such as: birders, butterfly & hummingbird lovers, as well as edible garden customers. We welcome the opportunity to identify ways to incorporate a native offering at your storefront.


Environmental Groups

Long Island Natives actively collaborates with several local groups advocating for clean eco-systems and healthy communities. If you are working in your community on an environmental project that involves native plants – we’d love to hear about it and discuss ways to help contribute to the cause.


Landscape Professionals

As a company comprised of NYS Certified Nursery & Landscape Professionals, we take pride in working with other landscape professionals in the environmental space. Our inventory is updated weekly to help you navigate your upcoming projects and we offer competitive contract growing services for public bids and private projects.

Trusted by

The Nature Conservancy logo
Central Park Conservancy logo
Peconic Land Trust logo
NYC Parks Logo
Arbor Day Logo Stacked
NYS Parks logo