Sag Harbor Turf Removal


Scope of Work

After receiving an updated survey the owners were notified that the previous owners of this property had over cleared based on property size and were asked to remove turf grass and non native species from several areas to comply with local ordinances. We were asked to re-establish an appropriate native planting in buffer areas as well as address appropriate native plantings in traditionally ornamental areas as well. The removal of sections of turf grass and replacement with native plants is a market trend that continues to grow in popularity. Native plantings can mean less fertilizers, less maintenance, and more beneficial habitat.

Plant List:

  • Andropogon scoparium – Little Blue Stem
  • Deschampsia flexuosa – Wavy Hair Grass
  • Arctostaphylos uvi-ursi – Bearbearry
  • Dennstaedtia punctiloba – Hayscented Fern
  • Hamamelis virginiana – Witchhazel
  • Ilex glabra – Inkberry Holly
  • Morella pensylvanica – Bayberry
  • Vaccinium angustifolium – Lowbush Blueberry
  • Vaccinium corymbosom – Highbush Blueberry

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