Onoclea sensibilis- Sensitive Fern

Onoclea sensibilis- Sensitive Fern

SKU ONSEC1 Category

Sensitive fern varies in height from a few inches to more than 3 ft. Its sterile fronds, which wither early, are light to brown-mottled green and deeply cut into long lobes which almost reach the stem. Twice-pinnate fertile fronds appear in late summer and, though dead, remain upright through winter. Fiddleheads appear in the spring in shades of pale red. The roots colonize but are usually shallow, though hefty. The stalks of this fern are said to have a decorative, beaded appearance, lending the plant one of its common names, Bead Fern. Common name is derived from the early sensitivity of this fern to frost.


Please note: Most pictures represent mature plants. Unless otherwise specified, all of our plants are sold in 4″ pots to make shipping possible and will mature in time.

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Wetland Indicator

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1 Gallon, 1 Quart

Product Description

Sensitive fern varies in height from a few inches to more than 3 ft. Its sterile fronds, which wither early, are light to brown-mottled green and deeply cut into long lobes which almost reach the stem. Twice-pinnate fertile fronds appear in late summer and, though dead, remain upright through winter. Fiddleheads appear in the spring in shades of pale red. The roots colonize but are usually shallow, though hefty. The stalks of this fern are said to have a decorative, beaded appearance, lending the plant one of its common names, Bead Fern. Common name is derived from the early sensitivity of this fern to frost.

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